Volvo AW7X Valve Body Rebuild Page 5
Aisin-Warner AW-7X Valve Body Service in a Volvo 7XX-940 Car: Page 5
All information written by Brad Wightman and used by his kind permission.
- Put each valve in your favourite cleaning agent (I used turps). Also put the valve body in to soak as well. Rinse it out (I used just water) then blow it dry with compressed air being sure to blow out all the passages and bores and ensure that it is completely dry before reassembling.
- Reassembly is simply a reversal of disassembling. Be careful not to confuse the orientation of the valves (ie. don't put it in backwards). Some valves contain orifices in them that are very small (sorry, don't remember which valves have them). The position of these holes in the bores of the valve body does not appear to be critical. Torque the retaining plate bolts to 3.5 - 4.5 ft lbs. (5 - 6 Nm). Place it aside somewhere clean and turn your attention to the upper front valve body.
- Disassembling the upper front valve body follows a similar process to the upper rear valve body. See pic below. The Volvo manual gives some details about disassembling this section. A word of caution: On page 85 of the manual there is a warning about strong spring pressure behind the cover retaining the secondary regulator valve and they're not joking. There is A LOT of pressure behind that cover (the spring is quite beefy). This cover is located just above the spring on the right hand side in the picture. Make sure you have a very good grip on the cover and are VERY careful as you turn it to expose the valve otherwise you risk shooting the valve across your garage.

- Follow the same procedure as before to clean the valves and the valve body itself and reassemble and place it aside safely.
- The lower valve body is the most time consuming to work on. There are 3 sections to the lower valve body. See pic below.

This is the underside of the lower valve body (the side you see when you take the pan off).The bottom covers have been removed.