Volvo AW7X Valve Body Rebuild Page 2
Aisin-Warner AW-7X Valve Body Service in a Volvo 7XX-940 Car
All information written by Brad Wightman and used by his kind permission.
Disclaimer: I will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage if you follow these instructions. If you choose to follow these instructions, you do so at your own risk. These instructions are, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate. However, I will accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions. And so to work.
- Drain the transmission fluid. No matter how long you leave it drain, there will still be some fluid left in the pan.
- Raise the car and put it on jack stands as high as you can safely get it. The more room you have the easier the job will be.
- There are 2 methods to getting the pan off. One is to undo the filler tube nut then remove the 14 10mm bolts for the pan and drop the pan. This will work if you are lucky. If you are unlucky (like me), you will have to remove the starter motor bolts (2 18mm bolts). These 2 bolts hold the filler tube in place via brackets welded to the tube. It's not very hard to get these bolts out. You can then take out the pan bolts and remove the pan and filler tube as one unit.
- Once you have the pan off you can see the lower side of the valve body. See pic below.

Oil pan removed. This is a view of the underside of the valve body. Front is to the left
- Remove the fluid strainer (6 10mm bolts). Be prepared to lose more fluid. My transmission had a spacer above the filter with 2 gaskets. The sequence goes (from bottom to top): filter, gasket, spacer, gasket. See pic at the top of page 8.
- Using your manual as a guide loosen off the valve body securing bolts (10 mm) EXCEPT the bolt behind the gear selector valve. If you have an AW71L transmission, you will need to refer to the second picture on page 82 of the manual for bolt locations. NOTE: The bolts are all different lengths so don't mix them up. Use whatever method will help you to remember where the bolts go.
- Loosen the bolt behind the gear selector valve enough to let your accumulator piston retainer plate to slide into position. It goes in the right hand side. I secured the plate using the 3 rearmost pan bolts on that side.