Volvo AW7X Valve Body Rebuild Page 3
Aisin-Warner AW-7X Valve Body Service in a Volvo 7XX-940 Car: Page 3
All information written by Brad Wightman and used by his kind permission.
1] Once the retainer plate is in place, support the valve body and remove the remaining bolt. The valve body is surprisingly heavy so make sure you have a good hold on it. Lower it down carefully and remove the kick-down cable from the cam located near the right hand front corner. You can now take the valve body out and place it on your workbench. See pic below.

The front of the valve body is to the left. The long object poking out at the bottomleft is the gear selector valve.
2] Remove the 5 10mm bolts from the upper front valve body and the upper rear valve body. Four of the five bolts in each part are the same and one is longer than the others. Again arrange them in a way that will ensure you remember where they go.
3] Grasp the lower valve body, holding the gaskets and separator plate and carefully turn the valve body over. See pic below.

Underside of valve body on bench. Front is to the left. The arrows point to the 2 covers. Remove 5 bolts to finally separate the upper and lower sections of the valve body. See step 4.
4] Pull the gear selector valve gently out of its bore and also undo the bolt holding the selector pawl and remove it and place it aside. Refer to your manual and remove the last 5 10mm bolts to separate the upper and lower sections of the valve body. Grasp the lower valve body and the gaskets and separator plate and CAREFULLY lift off the lower valve body and place it, right way up, on the bench. See pics below.

Upper front valve body

Upper rear valve body. The red circles show the location of the check balls. The right-most ball is metal.