VOLVO AC R134 refit kit instructions for the 700 series
Conversion of A/C system form R12 to R134a Retrofit: Page 6

Install expansion pip (orifice).
Install a new yellow lubricated O ring on the new expansion pipe. Compare size on the new O ring with the old one so they are the correct dimension.
Install a lubricated O ring in the pipe joint at the firewall (or side member).
Install expansion pipe (orifice).
Tighten the joint to the evaporator (or the side member) to 12 Nm (9 ft. lbs).

Top up the oil level in the new receiver (see below)
Fill the receiver through the inlet side with ester oil supplied in the conversion kit (200ml).
Note: If the compressor has been replaced and filled with ester oil in previous steps, no additional ester oil is needed in the receiver.If the compressor has NOT been replaced, fill the receiver with the correct amount of ester oil and leave the existing mineral oil in the compressor where it will continue lubricating without mixing with the R134.

Remarks: On older cars without pipes for ETF/KRU valve;
Install pipes from Supplementary kit (1) PN 9134032-3 Finger tighten against the receiver. Use lubricated O rings. Connect filling pipe (U pipe) using a new lubricated O-ring