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Volvo 1800 Wiring Diagrams

The pages linked below contain technical data and help for the service and maintenance of various Volvo cars.
Most are Volvo documents.

Remember to take all necessary safety precautions when working on your car.

Volvo 1800 - 1800S wiring diagram

Volvo 1800 - 1800S 1962-69 wiring diagram

Volvo 1800E wiring diagram

Volvo 1800E 1970 wiring diagram

Volvo 1800E 1972 wiring diagram

Volvo 1800ES 1972 wiring diagram

Volvo 1800ES 1973 wiring diagram

Colour Wiring diagrams for Volvo 1800 Series.

Created and credited to Warren Townsend in Australia. Updated 27th February 2025.

Volvo P1800 1961-1963 wiring diagram v3.0

Volvo 1800S 1963 wiring diagram v3.0

Volvo 1800S 1964 wiring diagram v3.0

Volvo 1800S 1965-1968 wiring diagram v3.0

Volvo 1800S 1969 wiring diagram v3.0

Volvo 1800E 1970 wiring diagram v3.3

Volvo 1800E 1971 wiring diagram v3.3

Volvo 1800E 1972 wiring diagram v3.3

Volvo 1800ES 1972 wiring diagram v3.2

Volvo 1800ES 1973 wiring diagram v3.4

Dash Switches.

1800 Heater Switch Terminals v1.2.

1800 Heater and Fan Switch Terminals v1.0.

1800 Light Switch Terminals v1.0.

1800 Wiper Switch Terminals v1.2.

1800S Ignition Switch v1.0.

1800E and 1800ES Ignition Switch v1.1.

1800 Tachometer diagrams v 1.3.

Volvo Bosch TVP animated GIF's.

Created and credited to Warren Townsend in Australia.

TVS -039 animation

TVS -012-026 animation.

Volvo TVS for 1800E and 1800ES.

Warren has been doing some investigation into the Models of Bosch TVS used on Volvo 1800 D-Jetronic engines.

The general view has been that Bosch Part # 0 280 120 012 and 0 280 120 026 were used on MY70 and possibly MY71 1800 cars, after which the Bosch Part # 0 280 120 039 was used.

After some investigation and research, gathering responses from 1800E and ES owners and using the 1800 Register at and Volvo Service Bulletins, it has become clear that only the 012 and 026 TVS were factory fitted. The 039 TVS was not available until November 1973, after the last ES car was manufactured. It was offered as an Upgrade to the earlier model TVS, to be fitted if a replacement was required and is seen fitted on a many of the surviving cars. A segment of the relevant Volvo Service Bulletin is attached.

The 012 and 026 style TVS is now included in the main Wiring Diagram, with the 039 TVS as an update in a dashed line option box.

TVS models used on 1800E and 1800ES.

Service Bulletins November 1973.

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