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New Volvo S40 gets top results in recent crashtests
14 June 2004
The new Volvo S40 has been on the market for less than a year. Now the proofs of its high safety level begin to appear. Four recent and independent crash tests clearly point in the same direction: The Volvo S40 provides very efficient occupant protection in most crash situations.
Two European and two American tests have recently, each according to its own methods, evaluated parts of the safety level in the new Volvo S40. Five stars in the Euro-NCAP crash test, a double "five" in the US-NCAP side impact, "Best Pick" after the US IIHS frontal impact test and one of the best in the big joint survey regarding the whiplash protection level of car seats, carried out by the Swedish National Road Adminsistration and insurance company Folksam. The tests clearly point in the same direction. The Volvo S40 is a safe car that protects its occupant in a very efficient way in many different crash situations and at different speeds.
Five stars in Euro-NCAP
crashes in frontal offset impact situations (64 kph/40 mph), side impact
against another vehicle which is simulated (50 kph/31 mph) and a side impact
against a pole (29 kph/18 mph). The top marks are, currently, five stars. A
year ago the then new Volvo XC90 became one of the first SUVs to be awarded
five stars by Euro-NCAP, and now this has also been given to the new Volvo
Five also in US-NCAP
The US traffic
safety administration runs their "New Car Assessment Program", NCAP, a side
impact in which the results of the driver and the rear seat passenger on the
impact side are evaluated. Also here, the Volvo S40 scored full marks, five
stars for the front seat occupant and five stars for the rear seat
"Best Pick" by IIHS
The Insurance
Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) in the US tested the Volvo S40 in a frontal
impact from a speed of 64 kph or 40 mph. Three categories were evaluated:
– The ability of the structural design to withstand deformation of the
passenger compartment – Injuries to the front seat occupants – The
protective level of safety belts and airbags The Volvo S40 came out on top in
all three categories which made it "Best Pick" in its class. This is a verdict
that previously has been given also to other Volvos like the S80.
Best protective seat against whiplash according
to joint survey
The Swedish National Road Administration and large
insurance company Folksam have jointly issued the results from a thorough crash
tests survey. In this survey, the protective capability of car seats with
regard to the risk for whiplash injuries in rear end impacts was evaluated. The
Volvo S40 was one of four cars which were considered to have the best seats
from a protective point of view, based on analyses of the three crashes made
with every seat type. A true acknowledgment of the Volvo WHIPS system which has
been a standard feature of all Volvos for years.
"Crash tests and these kinds of surveys can only take one or few aspects of a vehicle's overall safety level into account. Still they give you an indication of the safety level", says Ingrid Skogsmo, head of the Safety Centre at Volvo Cars. "We have communicated the new Volvo S40 as a very safe car and this is now being confirmed also by independent research. This is of course very encouraging but we will, however, continue to work along our guiding principle when it comes to safety; to continue to enhance overall occupant protection in real life accidents", she concludes.
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