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Volvo 850 VIN Plate. 1991-94
Interpreting the various plates for this model.

(Volvos are sold in versions adapted for different markets. Some of these details may not apply to all cars)

1. Type and model year designation and chassis number plate

Location of plate: Embossed on upper side of firewall in engine compartment

YV1 LS 45 0 2 N 2 001234
Manufacturing code Vehicle type Engine type Emission US/CDN:Check-digit
Others: Gearbox type
Model year designation Factory code Chassis number

Engine type Factory code Model year designation Transmission type
45 = B 5204 S
51 = B 5252 S
55 = B 5254 S
57 = B 5234 T
2 = Belgium (VEC)
4 = Thailand
5 = Malaysia (SMA)
7 = Indonesia
M = 1991*
N = 1992*
P = 1993*
R = 1994*
* France = 0
2 = M 56 L/H
6 = AW 50-42 LE

Vehicle type:

LS = 4-door sedan
LW = 5-door wagon


0 = with three-way catayltic converter (TWC), heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), vacuum-reg. evap. system, without EGR-valve.

1 = with three-way catayltic converter (TWC), heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), vacuum-reg. evap. system, with EGR-valve.

2 = with three-way catayltic converter (TWC), heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), vacuum-reg. evap. system, airpump, with EGR-valve.

Model year Model letter Chassis (Sedan) Chassis (Wagon) Engine Transmission Final drive
1992 N 1 - 30699*   B 5204 S
B 5254 S
AW 50-42,
M 56 L
1993 P 30700** - 124999 268 - 24999 B 5204 S
B 5252 S
B 5254 S
AW 50-42,
M 56 L
2.54:1, 2.74:1
3.16:1, 3.77:1
4.00:1, 4.45:1
1994 R 125000 - 25000 - B 5204 S
B 5252 S
B 5254 S
B 5234 T
AW 50-42,
M 56 L,
M 56 H
2.54:1, 2.74:1
3.16:1, 4.00:1

Note: The following market codes applies:

Remark Code 10 (Sweden) Code 18 (Germany) Code 21 (Holland)
* ** 27725 27726 28813 28814 28830 28831

2. The product plate

Location of plate: On left wheel housing in front of wheel strut

VOLVO Made In Belgium
B E E E E F F F - F F G G G G G H H H H H H H  

A = Type approval F = Exterior colour, code/supplier/paint type:
Pos 1 - 3: Colour
019 = Black non-metallic
130 = Silver metallic
189 = White non-metallic
214 = Dark grey metallic
406 = Mid blue metallic
411 = Beige metallic
412 = Aquamarine metallic
414 = Burgundy metallic
415 = Light blue metallic
416 = Green metallic
417 = Dark blue metallic
418 = Red metallic
601 = Red non metallic
606 = Green non metallic
Pos 4: Supplier
1 = BASF
2 = Herberts
4 = IDAC
Pos 5: Paint type
1 = Solvent-based
B = Identification number
(Type designation)
C1 = max total weight
C2 = Max train weight (car + trailer)
C3 = Max front axle load
C4 = Max rear axle load
G = S-bulletins (Options)
D = marketing code
E = Interior trim code:
Pos 1: Model
3 = 850
Pos 2: Upholstery
2 = Tricotplush
3 =Tricot
5 = Plush
7 = Plush/leather
9 = leather
Pos 3: Colour
3 = Blue
4 = Red
5 = Beige
7 = Grey
Pos 4: Serial number
H = Chassikod (1994)

3. Engine identification and specifications

Engine type Compression ratio Rec. octane RON Output Kw at r/s Output hp (bhp) at rpm Max torque Nm at r/s Max torque kpm (ft lpf) at rpm
B 5204 S 10.3:1 95 105/108 143/6500 (141/6500) 176/63 17.9/3800 (130/3800)
B 5254 S 10.5:1 95 125/103 170/6200 (168/6200) 220/55 22.4/3300 (162/3300)
B 5252 S 10.0:1 95 103/90 140/5400 (138/5400) 206/60 21.0/3600 (152/3600)
B 5234 T 8.5:1 95 166/88 225/5280 (222/5280) 300/33-88 30.6/2000-5280 (221/2000-5280)

Interpreting the engine type:

1st digit = number of cylinders
2nd and 3rd digits = engine capacity (20 = 2.0 litres, 25 = 2.5 litres, 23 = 2.3 litres)
4th digit = number of valves per cylinder

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